Natalia Schiefermeier-Mach

Natalia Schiefermeier-Mach

Deputy Scientific Director

+43 512 5322-75482
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Innrain 98, 6020 Innsbruck

Curriculum Vitae

Research interests and current research projects

  • Interaction of lung cells with fungal pathogen
  • Human Infections (team member in FFG 6.COIN, 2017-current)

Publications more


Patient-centric comparative analysis of experiences in open upright and conventional closed MRI scanners

E. Behluli* , H.M. Preuer*, N. Schiefermeier-Mach *, R. Hornung, M. Küchler,
M. Prokopetz
* Authors contributed equally.
Radiography Volume 30, Issue 5, August 2024, Pages 1258-1264

Regulation of Surfactant Protein Gene Expression by Aspergillus fumigatus in NCl-H441 Cells

Schiefermeier-Mach N, Heinrich L, Lechner L, Perkhofer S. 
Microorganisms. Apr 12;11(4):1011.


Physiotherapeutic evaluation of patients with post COVID-19 condition: current use of measuring instruments by physiotherapists working in Austria and South Tyrol.

Spiegl C, Schiefermeier-Mach N, Schifferegger E, Wiederin C, Scheiber B. (2022). Archives of Physiotherapy. 21: 12-21.

Zum Artikel

Cell wall glycans as targets for the development of new antifungals.

Aimanianda V, Wong SSW, Delliere S, Schiefermeier-Mach N, Lechner L, Perkhofer S, Bomme P, Fontaine T, Schlosser A, Sorensen G, Madan T, Kishore U. (2022). Medical Mycology. 60:1. myac072.s8.3c




Microscopic analysis of host-pathogen interactions using micropatterned human alveolar A549 cells infected with Aspergillus conidia

Schiefermeier-Mach N, Polleux J, Heinrich L, Lechner L, Perkhofer S. 
16th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG16), Innsbruck, Austria


Generation and evaluation of stable Lifeact-expressing A549 cell lines for investigation of A.fumigatus interaction with pulmonary epithelial cells.

Schiefermeier-Mach N, Zenzmaier C, Angerer S, Zulmin C, Geley S, Perkhofer S. (2018). 20th Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Med Mycol. 56:120.